Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition
CARS-2- Identify and determine the severity of Autism including Asperger's Syndrome, for ages 2 and up
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CARS-2-HF High Functioning Individuals Rating Booklet
9314994236163 Qualification Level BPack of 25
- Publication date:
- 2009
- Completion time:
- 10 - 15 minutes
- Administration:
- Individual; Manual scoring
- Age range:
- 2 years and older (norms calibrated on 2000 individuals with Autism aged 2 to 57 years)
- Qualification level:
- B
Product Details
Covering the entire Autism Spectrum including Asperger’s Syndrome, the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS-2) helps you to identify children with autism and determine symptom severity through quantifiable ratings based on direct observation. Widely used and empirically validated, the CARS-2 has proven to be especially effective in:
The CARS 2 addresses the following functional areas, among others:
DescriptionSince its original publication, the CARS has become one of the most widely used and empirically validated autism assessments. It has proven especially effective in discriminating between children with autism and those with severe cognitive deficits, and in distinguishing mild-to-moderate from severe autism. Now a revised Second Edition expands the test’s clinical value, making it more responsive to individuals on the “high functioning” end of the autism spectrum—those with average or higher IQ scores, better verbal skills, and more subtle social and behavioural deficits. While retaining the simplicity, brevity, and clarity of the original test, the CARS 2 adds forms and features that help you integrate diagnostic information, determine functional capabilities, provide feedback to parents, and design targeted intervention. The CARS 2 includes three forms:
The Standard and High Functioning FormsThe CARS 2-ST and CARS 2-HF each include 15 items addressing the following functional areas:
The clinician rates the individual on each item, using a 4-point response scale. Ratings are based not only on frequency of the behaviour in question, but also on its intensity, peculiarity, and duration. While this more nuanced approach gives you greater flexibility in integrating diagnostic information, it still yields quantitative results. Rating values for all items are summed to produce a Total Raw Score. Each form includes a graph that allows you to quickly convert the Total Raw Score to a standard score or percentile rank (based on a clinical sample of 1,034 individuals with autism spectrum disorders). The Manual provides guidelines for score interpretation, suggestions for intervention, and case examples. The Questionnaire for Parents or CaregiversThe areas covered by the CARS 2-QPC include the individual’s early development; social, emotional, and communication skills; repetitive behaviours; play and routines; and unusual sensory interests. |