Wechsler Memory Scale - Fourth Edition, Australian and New Zealand Language Adapted Edition

WMS-IV A&NZ Language Adapted Edition
Evaluate memory capabilities as part of an adult psychological evaluation
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WMS-IV/Bcse Scoring Template (Print)
0158895940 Qualification Level C


AUD 111.32


Publication date:
Completion time:
45 - 60 minutes
Individual; Q-interactive administration and scoring, Q-global scoring and reporting, or manual scoring
Age range:
16 years to 90 years 11 months
Qualification level:

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Product Details

WMS-V A&NZ coming late 2025!

The WMS-IV was developed to provide you with the most advanced measure of memory.

With results you can trust, the WMS-IV can help:

  • Assess dementia in geriatric patients
  • Assess brain dysfunction in adults
  • Medico-legal evaluations
  • Psycho-educational evaluation of adolescents and adults

As a clinician, you’ll love the WMS-IV for its:

  • Ease of administration and scoring
  • Enhanced clinical sensitivity and forensic utility
  • Developmental appropriateness of visual stimuli, instructions, and practice items
  • Addition of Brief Cognitive Status Exam, which can be given prior to evaluation to obtain a quick overview of client’s status and potential problem areas
  • Inclusion of a brief test battery for older adults to reduce fatigue
  • Increased focus on visual working memory
  • Reduction in motor demands

In recognition of emerging demographic and clinical trends, the WMS-IV was developed to provide you with the most advanced measure of memory and results you can trust when addressing the changing clinical landscape.

Australia and New Zealand Language Adaptation

To maintain high levels of validity and reliability, and to ensure the most effective use in Australia and New Zealand, the WMS-IV has been language adapted for our populations.

WMS-IV User Applications

  • Neuropsychologists can use the WMS-IV to help assess dementia in geriatric patients, to help measure brain dysfunction in adults, or as an integral part of medico-legal evaluations.
  • Clinical Psychologist and Educational Psychologists can use the WMS-IV as part of the psycho-educational evaluation of adolescent and adult clients.

Content and Administration

Scores and Interpretation

The WMS-IV provides five index scores and three index-level contrast scores for the adult battery and four index scores and two index – level contrast scores for the older adult battery.

WMS-IV offers revised test structure:

Subtest Added

  • Spatial Addition
  • Symbol Span
  • Design Memory

Subtests Modified

  • Logical memory
  • Verbal Paired Associates
  • Visual Reproduction

Subtest Eliminated

  • Family Pictures
  • Faces
  • Letter-Number
  • Digit Span


  • Mental Control
  • Word Lists (Substituted CVLT-II)
  • Information and Orientation
  • Spatial Span

What's New

Spatial Addition

Based on “N-Back Paradigm”, Spatial Addition requires minimal motor function as the client must:

  • Remember location of dots on two separate pages
  • Add or subtract locations
  • Hold and manipulate visual spatial information

Symbol Span

A “Visual analog to Digit Span”, clients are asked to remember the design and the left to right sequence of the design. The clients are then asked to select the correct design from foils and choose them in the correct sequence.

No more motor requirements

Design Memory

Containing four items of increasing difficulty, Design Memory evaluates immediate and delayed recall as well as delayed recognition. It does not include drawing and reduces the opportunity to guess the correct response. You can obtain scores for spatial, details, and correct content in the correct location as well as contrast scores for spatial versus detail, immediate versus delayed, and recognition versus delayed.

Obtain scores for spatial, details, and correct content in the correct location.

Features and Benefits

WMS-IV Builds on a tradition of innovation by:

  • Providing a comprehensive assessment that now can be administered more quickly
  • Offering enhanced clinical sensitivity and forensic utility
  • Eliminating subtest/construct overlap with the WAIS-V (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition)

Changing demographics and the increasing number of older clients prompted valuable enhancements, including:

  • Addition of Brief Cognitive Status Exam, which can be given prior to evaluation to obtain a quick overview of client’s status and potential problem areas
  • Inclusion of a brief test battery for older adults to reduce fatigue
  • Increased focus on visual working memory
  • Reduction in motor demands

Feedback from users led to changes that improve:

  • Ease of administration and scoring
  • Developmental appropriateness of visual stimuli, instructions, and practice items

