
Q-global® is Pearson's web-based system for administering, scoring and reporting Pearson assessments.


Account Setup

For most accounts*, there is nothing you need to do to establish a Q-global account. Simply purchase Q-global usages, digital assets or a subscription online and a Q-global account will automatically be created for you. Once your purchase process is completed, you will receive a ‘welcome’ email which will allow you to activate your account and establish a username and password specific to your Q-global account.

*For large organisations who require additional account configuration and set-up assistance, please call Client Services Team.

Purchase Q-global assessments

Use the links below to quickly find Q-global digital products on their respective product pages.

Assessments A-Z


The ordering process for Q-global products is very similar to traditional methods, instead of receiving a physical package of goods you will receive a ‘virtual’ shipment of report or assessment usages. The steps below outline the process for ordering online or via our Client Services Team.


If you have not already established a Pearson web ordering account please register here

Once you have set up a Pearson online ordering account OR if you already have a Pearson web ordering account follow these steps:

  1. Visit Q-global Assessments to learn about which products are  available on Q-global. 
  2. Log in to your Pearson online account.  Navigate to the product page e.g. D-REF or find the product via Q-global Assessments.
  3. Select  ‘+ Add’ to add the desired quantity to the shopping cart.
  4. Once the Q-global usages have been added to your shopping cart, click the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete your order. 
  5. Within a few minutes, the purchased usages will be added to your Q-global account. If you did not previously have a Q-global account, one will automatically be created for you. A ‘welcome’ e-mail will be sent to you with a link to activate your account and establish a username and password specific to your Q-global account. 

Important: Only the Q-global ‘Account Owner’ can purchase additional report usages, digital assets and subscriptions from their Q-global account or via our e-commerce website. All other users added to the Q-global account e.g. Assessment Administrator or Examiner etc are not authorised to order on behalf of the ‘Account Owner’.

Purchase Order

If your organisation has a trading account and you want to use a Purchase Order (PO) to order Q-global usages, you can attach your PO to your order and then submit via the following methods:  

  1.  Online: During the order process enter your PO number in the appropriate field and/or upload a copy of the PO
  2.  Email: orders@pearsonclinical.com.au
  3.  Fax: 02 9261 4975

Q-global orders submitted via email or fax will be processed within 48 hours.  If you do not currently have a Q-global account, one will be created for you. A ‘welcome’ e-mail will be sent to you with a link to activate your account and establish a username and password specific to your Q-global account.


Q-global reports usages can be ordered by contacting our Client Services team: 

Get started!

Sign in to the Q-global Platform

AU Login NZ Login


Q-global Training Series

View these brief training modules about various activities related to Q-global. These training modules are also located in the Help Menu within the Q-global site.

  1. Signing in & setting up your account
  2. Managing sub-accounts
  3. How to generate reports

Product Details

Introducing Q-global®, Pearson's web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting. It houses the industry's gold standard in assessment tools and is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. Secure and affordable, Q-global helps you quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores and produce accurate, comprehensive reports.


Pearson Clinical Assessment developed Q-global for mental health professionals, educators, and other professionals who want the ease, reliability, and security of a cost-effective, common web-based platform for their administration, scoring and reporting needs.

Q-global is the only scoring and reporting system that features today's leading assessments on a simple-to-use, web-based interface that is accessible anytime, anywhere.

Q-global offers you:

  • 24/7 secure, web-based access
  • Portability: Q-global can be used on mobile devices such as a laptop or a tablet
  • Online ordering through Pearson's site and subsequent automatic customer account setup
  • On-demand, reliable scoring and expansive and comprehensive reporting solutions not available through hand scoring


You can access your Q-global account through any Internet-connected device to manage and retrieve examinee information, generate scores from assessment data and produce accurate, comprehensive assessment reports. All of these activities are performed in a secure, private web environment that helps professionals streamline their assessment workflow while complying with widely accepted data privacy standards. The web-based nature of Q-global provides users with unprecedented flexibility in accessing and performing their work anytime and anywhere.


How does Q-global protect my clients' data security and privacy?

Download the "Q-Interactive and Q-Global Security and Privacy: Online and Digital testing and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP)"

Examinee data on Q-global is protected through physical security, administrative safeguards and encryption. Examinee data sits within a database that is encrypted with industry-standard high-security encryption, on servers located in a secured data centre in Canada.

When data is transmitted, it is encrypted using industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. The system uses a secured Oracle database that separates and segregates a customer's records so that they cannot be seen by other customers. This separation and segregation is confirmed through testing and external auditing. Customer access to a Q-global account and the data held within is password protected. Customers are responsible for safeguarding their passwords, and for changing passwords periodically and whenever there is a concern about a possible compromise. Finally, the system is regularly tested and subjected to audits, both internally and externally.

Test Administration Options

There are tests on the Q-global® platform that can be administered on screen and / or via paper and pencil with the option to manually enter the scores and then generate the report as a PDF and/or a Word document.

Q-global® offers the following options for test administration for the candidate and / or rater;

  1. Manual Entry (ME): When the test is administered using the paper-pencil format, the raw scores or item responses are manually entered into the Q-global® platform
  2. On-screen administration (OSA) the test is administered to the client on-screen via the Q-global® platform.
  3. Remote on screen administration (ROSA) where the candidate or rater is sent an email invitation with a link to launch and administer the test at a remote location. ROSA is available on specific tests (refer to the following table).
  4. Group Administration (GA) is available for specific tests.

Q-global Licence Agreement >  



Scoring & Reporting

Scoring and Reporting Options

The Q-global® platform scores and generates reports for paper-pencil tests that have been manually entered or where the test was administered on-screen.

Your scoring comes with all of the advantages of Q-global.

  • Reports can be generated in PDF and/or Word* format which allows editing.
  • Not available for all tests.
  • Report options vary across tests and include:
    • Basic score report
    • Narrative interpretive report that also contains scores
    • Progress report where multiple assessments have been conducted on the one client
    • Multi-rater reports that statistically compare teacher-parent, teacher-self, or parent-self rating
  • Secure servers using industry best practices for data encryption and data storage
  • Account and user management, archiving and exporting features

It is recommended that reports are generated via a laptop, PC or MAC.

Pricing Options

Pearson offers two pricing options for scoring and reporting on Q-global®

  1. Pay per-report generated
  2. Purchase an annual subscription that offers unlimited-use for scoring and reporting which is available for a limited number of tests. This option is ideal for high volume users of a particular test e.g. WPPSI-IV Australia / New Zealand.

Important note: Each subscription is per user for the product only and will begin on the date of order processing unless otherwise requested.



In order to help you understand and navigate Q-global, FAQs have been established and can be found below. There is also an FAQ section within the Q-global platform.

What is Q-global?

Q-global is a web-based system from Pearson that consolidates the content and functionality of three legacy software systems (Q-Local, PsychCorp Center, and ASSIST) into one platform. The platform offers on-screen administration of assessments as well as scoring and reporting capabilities for a variety of assessments. Q-global can be described as Pearson's web-based system for administering on-screen assessments that do not require interaction between the clinician and client. The tool also offers a complete set of options for scoring, interpreting, and reporting assessment results.

What is the difference between Q-global and Q-Local?

Q-global consolidates the content and functionality of three legacy software systems (Q Local, PsychCorpCenter, and ASSIST) into one convenient platform that offers on-screen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities for a variety of assessments.

Q Local is the current desktop-based system that offers on-screen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities for assessments such as the MMPI-2-RF, MCMI-III, MBMD, and others. In this regard, Q-global can be described as an expansion of Q Local's functionality and content, offered in a web-based format.

I'm not used to paying for reports on a per-use basis. How can I order reports conveniently without having to go through my purchasing department every time I need to use one?

Ordering report usages for Q-global should function identically to how orders are processed for other per-use components of the assessment process, such as record forms, answer sheets, and response booklets. These are items that are ordered in the same per-use format by organisations large and small, public and private. Q-global usages purchased are similar to this, except they are digital items and delivered virtually rather than paper items physically shipped to the customer.

To address any organisational barriers or challenges to purchasing usages in this way, many Q-global reports are being developed to include bundled options with the corresponding record forms that can be purchased as one item. More information about these purchase options for relevant assessments can be found by visiting each product's webpage to see the various purchase options that may work for different customers and settings.

I bought scoring software from Pearson that provides unlimited reporting. Are you going to force me to start using Q-global instead and pay an additional per-use fee?

No. If you are already using one of Pearson's legacy desktop-based scoring and reporting programs, you will not be required to use Q-global. These programs will continue to operate normally for the foreseeable future and you may choose to continue using them if you wish. It should be noted however, that as assessment content is migrated to the Q-global platform, two things will occur that customers should be made aware of:

  • Immediately after migrating to Q-global, legacy software programs (PsychCorpCenter and ASSIST) will cease to be offered for purchase in their desktop-based format. This means that all new purchasers will only have the option of purchasing these programs in Q-global.
  • Shortly after migrating to Q-global, legacy software programs (PsychCorpCenter and ASSIST) will cease to receive ongoing support and maintenance from a systems technology perspective. This means that as new operating systems are released by software makers, Pearson will no longer provide system updates to these legacy programs to ensure their continued functioning for desktop-based use. The major exception to this policy will be the treatment of Q Local and its continued support in the market for the foreseeable future.

I don't have access to the internet in my organisation. Can I perform my scoring and reporting activities using Q-global?

No. As a web-based system, Q-global is not currently a viable solution for professionals operating in settings with limited or no internet access. For these organisations, it is recommended that they continue to use Pearson’s legacy desktop-based systems (PsychCorpCenter, ASSIST, and Q Local) to meet their ongoing administration, scoring, and reporting needs.

These systems will continue to operate for the time-being as customers make the transition to a more internet-connected workplace, and Pearson develops long-term support plans. Moving forward, all new content developed for computer-based environments will reside online via Q-global.

How does Q-global protect my clients' data security and privacy?

Examinee data on Q-global is protected through physical security, administrative safeguards and encryption. Examinee data sits within a database that is encrypted with industry-standard high-security encryption, on servers located in a secured data centre in Canada.

When data is transmitted, it is encrypted using industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. The system uses a secured Oracle database that separates and segregates a customer's records so that they cannot be seen by other customers. This separation and segregation is confirmed through testing and external auditing. Customer access to a Q-global account and the data held within is password protected. Customers are responsible for safeguarding their passwords, and for changing passwords periodically and whenever there is a concern about a possible compromise. Finally, the system is regularly tested and subjected to audits, both internally and externally.

