Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition

A comprehensive assessment of gross and fine motor skills for ages 4 to 21 years, 11 months. BOT-3 is available to order!

Choose from our formats

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    1 option

    From AUD 2,062.83
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    6 options

    From AUD 2.64
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    6 options

    From AUD 54.89
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for BOT-2

    13 options

    From AUD 2.64
- of 13 results
Prices include GST where applicable
  • BOT-2 Complete Kit (Print)
    58000 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 Complete Kit (Print) is available to order!

    BOT-2 Complete Kit includes:

    • Manual
    • Administration Easel
    • 25 Examinee Booklets
    • 25 Record Forms
    • Scoring Transparency
    • Blocks with String
    • Penny Pad
    • Knee Pad
    • 2 Red Pencils
    • Target
    • Shape Cards
    • Balance Beam
    • Penny Box
    • Plastic Pennies
    • Peg Board and Pegs
    • Scissors
    • Tennis Ball
    • Shuttle Block
    • Training Video


    AUD 2,062.83

  • BOT-2 Manual
    58001 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 Examiner Manual (Print) is available to order!

    AUD 280.28

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-2 Q-global Manual (Digital)
    A103000232628 Qualification Level B

    Q-global BOT-2 digital manual (read-only)

    BOT-3 Q-global Examiner Manual (Digital) is available to order!

    AUD 280.28

  • BOT-2 Q-global Fine And Gross Motor Supplemental Manual (Digital)
    A103000232629 Qualification Level B

    Q-global BOT-2 Supplement Manual (digital - read-only)

    Provides additional fine motor and gross motor scores that are not available in the Examiners Manual

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    BOT-3 Q-global Examiner Manual (Digital) is available to order!

    AUD 54.89

  • BOT-2 Q-global Short Form Report
    58099 Qualification Level B

    A usage includes scoring and reporting

    Q-global Online Scoring and Reporting
    Scoring Options:

    • ME - Manual entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    BOT-3 Q-global Administration/Report (Digital) is available to order!

    AUD 2.64

  • BOT-2 Q-global Complete Form Report
    58033 Qualification Level B

    A usage includes scoring and reporting

    Q-global Online Scoring and Reporting
    Scoring Options:

    • ME - Manual entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    BOT-3 Q-global Administration/Report (Digital) is available to order! 

    AUD 4.73

  • BOT-2 Record Forms
    58002 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    BOT-3 Complete Record Form (Print) is available to order!

    AUD 128.26

  • BOT-2 Examinee Booklets
    58003 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    BOT-3 is available to order!

    AUD 128.26

  • BOT-2 Record Form & Examinee Booklet Combo
    9780749152147 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 is available to order!

    BOT-2 Record Form & Examinee Booklet Combo includes:

    • 25 BOT-2 Record Forms
    • 25 BOT-2 Examinee Booklets

    AUD 204.00

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-2 Adminstration Easel
    58004 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 is available to order!

    AUD 452.43

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-2 Training DVD
    58030 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 is available to order!

    AUD 344.85

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-2 Fine Motor Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    58036 Qualification Level B

    AUD 118.47

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-2 Q-global Administration Easel and Administration Directions (Digital)
    A103000237307 Qualification Level B

    BOT-3 is available to order!

    AUD 437.03


Publication date:
Completion time:
45 to 60 minutes
Individual; Q-global® scoring, and/or reporting, or manual scoring
Age range:
4 to 21 years
Qualification level:

BOT-3 is available to order!

The BOT™-3 is a versatile and comprehensive measure of gross and fine motor skills for children and young adults.

Order now

Product Details

With the BOT-2 you can assess the gross and fine motor proficiency of 4-21 year olds, ranging from those who are typically developing to those with moderate motor-skill deficits.

Key benefits of the BOT-2 include:

  • Most widely used motor proficiency test
  • New easel administration format
  • Improved manipulatives, including a wider, more durable balance beam
  • Game-like tasks that capture and hold students’ interest
  • Not verbally complex

The BOT-2 can also be used for developing and evaluating motor training programmes.

Q-global® Administration Options

This product is available on Q-global with the following administration options:

Manual Entry - Scoring and Reporting Only (ME)

These assessments are administered in paper-pencil format only, and can be scored by entering raw data into Q-global for scoring and reporting.

If you would like more information, please visit the Q-global product page.


BOT-2 assesses the motor proficiency of 4-21 year olds, ranging from those who are typically developing to those with moderate motor-skill deficits. It can also be used for developing and evaluating motor training programmes.

Challenging, game-like tasks

Children enjoy the variety and appeal of the test items. BOT-2 items provide a full range of interesting tasks that measure gross and fine motor skills—maintaining balance while standing on one leg, bouncing a ball, and cutting out a circle are just a few examples.

New administration manual makes testing more efficient

BOT-2 features a completely new administration manual with an easy-to-use layout that gives examiners access to all the information they need on a single page.

The manual also provides suggestions to guide examiners in explaining the tasks. For the examinee, large, clear pictures of the tasks being completed help provide a better understanding of the test items, especially for children who have language, cognition or attention problems.

Eight subtests assess:

  1. Fine Motor Precision—7 items (e.g., cutting out a circle, connecting dots)
  2. Fine Motor Integration—8 items (e.g., copying a star, copying a square)
  3. Manual Dexterity—5 items (e.g., transferring pennies, sorting cards, stringing blocks)
  4. Bilateral Coordination—7 items (e.g., tapping foot and finger, jumping jacks)
  5. Balance—9 items (e.g., walking forward on a line, standing on one leg on a balance beam)
  6. Running Speed and Agility—5 items (e.g., shuttle run, one-legged side hop)
  7. Upper-Limb Coordination—7 items (e.g., throwing a ball at a target, catching a tossed ball)
  8. Strength—5 items (e.g., standing long jump, sit-ups)

Composite Scores

BOT–2 covers a broad array of fine and gross motor skills, providing composite scores in four motor areas and one comprehensive measure of overall motor proficiency. These composites are:

  • Fine Manual Control
  • Manual Coordination
  • Body Coordination
  • Strength and Agility
  • Total Motor Composite

Comprehensive Training DVD

This DVD provides an in-depth look at all aspects of the BOT-2. The video includes an introduction by the authors, a detailed look at test administration, scoring and reporting information and an overview of the BOT-2 ASSIST scoring and reporting software program.



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