Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Third Edition - Brief Form

BOT-3 Brief
The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency™, Third Edition Brief Form (BOT™-3 Brief) provides a quick overview of gross and fine motor ability for children and young adults.

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  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    1 option

    From AUD 535.04
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    3 options

    From AUD 26.84
  • Support materials

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    From AUD 278.30
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for BOT-3 Brief

    5 options

    From AUD 26.84
- of 5 results
Prices include GST where applicable
  • BOT-3 Brief Kit (Print)
    A103000393920 Qualification Level B


    • Manual/Administration Easel
    • 25 Brief Record Forms
    • 25 Brief Response Booklets
    • Brief Manipulative set
    • Carry bag

    AUD 535.04

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-3 Brief Manual/Administration Easel (Print)
    A103000372794 Qualification Level B

    AUD 278.30

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-3 Brief Record Form (Print)
    A103000372804 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    AUD 69.63

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • BOT-3 Brief Response Booklet (Print)
    A103000372798 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    AUD 53.57

  • BOT-3 Folding Paper Item Response Page Pad of 25 (Print)
    A103000372799 Qualification Level B

    Folding Paper Item Response Pages on a tear-off pad of 25 for use with BOT-3 and BOT-3 Brief.

    AUD 26.84

    Estimated to ship:3-4 weeks


Total Motor Standard Score and Percentile; Fine and Gross Motor Cut scores
Publication date:
Early 2025
Completion time:
25-35 minutes
Paper and pencil
Age range:
4:0 – 25:11
Qualification level:
Scoring options:
Manual scoring

Product Details

With the BOT-3 Brief, you can:

  • Obtain a quick overview of motor performance, with minimal space and equipment.
  • Screen motor development in individuals from school age to early. adulthood, ranging from those who are typically developing to those with mild to moderate motor challenges.
  • Identify individuals who require further evaluation or who may benefit from intervention.
  • Build a wider picture of functional ability by supplementing with additional assessments.

The BOT-3 Brief Form was developed to address the need for a brief version of the comprehensive BOT-3 assessment. It includes 20 items consisting of at least two items from each core BOT-3 subtest. When a screening or program evaluation tool is required, the BOT-3 Brief can be used to determine the need for further assessment. The quick administration time may also give examiners an opportunity to administer other tests within the same session, to gain a broader view of an individual’s skills.


  • Quick and easy to administer
  • Yields a single overall Standard Score of gross and fine motor proficiency
  • Provides additional gross and fine motor cut scores help identify areas for further evaluation
  • Requires minimal space and equipment


Occupational therapists, physical therapists, developmental adaptive physical education teachers, diagnosticians, and special education professionals appreciate the BOT-3 Brief for its:

  • Lightweight, portable kit
  • Engaging, game-like tasks
  • Large, clear pictures in the administration easel and optional demonstration videos that help examinees better understand the activities they need to perform


How well does the BOT-3 Brief correlate with the BOT-3 Complete test?

The BOT-3 Brief has strong correlations with the BOT-3 Total Motor Composite, Gross Motor Composite and Fine Motor Composite, providing evidence that the Brief form aligns well with the Complete form and provides a good high-level picture of an individual's motor proficiency. Examiners can use the BOT-3 Brief gross and fine motor cut scores to determine which parts of the Complete BOT-3 they want to administer for a more in-depth assessment.

How can I access the demonstration videos?

Click on the links below to watch the demo videos for the BOT-3 and BOT-3 Brief:


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