Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III

Assess personality disorders and clinical syndromes

Choose from our formats

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    2 options

    From AUD 440.66
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    9 options

    From AUD 33.99
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    5 options

    From AUD 47.74
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for MCMI-III

    16 options

    From AUD 33.99
- of 16 results
Prices include GST where applicable
  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Starter Kit
    33005 Qualification Level C


    MCMI-III Manual
    Hand Scoring Users Guide
    Test Booklets (Pack of 10)
    Answer Sheets (Pack of 50)
    Worksheets (Pack of 50)
    Profile Forms (Pack of 50)
    Answer Keys

    AUD 950.40

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Reorder Kit
    33006 Qualification Level C


    Answer Sheets (Pack of 50)
    Worksheets (Pack of 50)
    Profile Forms (Pack of 50)

    AUD 440.66

  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring User's Guide
    33004 Qualification Level C

    AUD 47.74

  • Q-global MCMI-III Profile Report
    63551 Qualification Level C

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 42.57

  • Q-global MCMI-III Interpretive Report
    63550 Qualification Level C

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 85.03

  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Answer Sheets
    33008 Qualification Level C

    Pack of 50

    AUD 149.71

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Profile Forms
    33009 Qualification Level C

    Pack of 50

    AUD 149.71

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Worksheets
    33010 Qualification Level C

    Pack of 25

    AUD 149.71

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • MCMI-III Softcover Test Booklets
    33011 Qualification Level C

    Pack of 10

    AUD 81.95

    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • MCMI-III Laminated Softcover Test Booklets (Individual)
    33022 Qualification Level C

    AUD 35.31

  • MCMI-III W Answer Key
    33052 Qualification Level C

    Set of 5

    AUD 72.71

  • MCMI-III Hand Scoring Answer Keys
    33007 Qualification Level C

    AUD 433.29

    Estimated to ship:8-9 weeks
  • MCMI-III Audio CD
    33024 Qualification Level C

    (administration time: 45 min.)

    AUD 170.17

  • MCMI-III Corrections Report User's Guide (Print)
    33017 Qualification Level C

    AUD 66.99

  • MCMI-III Corrections Q-global Interpretive Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63560 Qualification Level C

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 67.98

  • MCMI-III Corrections Q-global Profile Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63561 Qualification Level C

    A usage includes administration, scoring and reporting

    Administration Options:
    ROSA - Remote on screen Administration
    OSA - On-screen Administration
    ME - Manual Entry

    The first time you purchase a Q-global report usage, subscription or digital asset, a Q-global account will automatically be created for you.

    AUD 33.99


Publication date:
Completion time:
25 to 30 minutes
Individual; Q-global® administration, scoring, and/or reporting, or manual scoring
Age range:
18 years and older
Qualification level:

Product Details

Please note - this product is also available to psychiatrists upon request.

The MCMI-III provides one of the most well-researched and widely used measures of adult psychopathology available today.

Valued for its brevity, the MCMI-III helps to quickly and accurately assess DSM-IV®-related personality disorders and clinical syndromes.

The MCMI-III can be used to:

  • Assess the interaction of Axis I and Axis II disorders based on the DSM-IV classification system
  • Identify the deeper and pervasive personality characteristics underlying a patient's overt symptoms
  • Gain an integrated understanding of the relationship between personality characteristics and clinical syndromes to facilitate treatment decisions

Mental health professionals around the world have come to rely on the MCMI-III as indispensable support for personalised therapy that focuses on returning patients to long-term healthy functioning.

Q-global® Administration Options

This product is available on Q-global with the following administration options:

On-Screen Administration (OSA)
Your clients can complete these assessment online through Q-global. Alternatively, your client can complete the assessment in paper-pencil format, and their responses can then be data-entered into Q-global for scoring and report generation. On Screen Administrations are proctored (supervised) unless specifically indicated.

Combined gender norms and an Inconsistency (W) scale

Based on Dr Theodore Millon's ground-breaking theory of personality and psychopathology, the MCMI-III (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III) assessment provides one of the most well-researched and widely used measures of adult psychopathology available.

Valued for its brevity, the MCMI-III instrument helps quickly and accurately assess DSM-IV®-related personality disorders and clinical syndromes.

A hallmark of this proven instrument is its treatment-oriented Interpretive Report, which presents an integrated view of results. Mental health professionals around the world have come to rely on the MCMI-III test as indispensable support for personalised therapy that focuses on returning patients to long-term healthy functioning.

Key Features

To facilitate more precise therapy planning, three facet scales have been added for each MCMI-III personality scale. The facet scales were developed by Seth Grossman, using factor analytic techniques within the framework of Dr Millon’s theory. These scales help clinicians pinpoint specific personality processes (e.g., self-image, interpersonal conduct, cognitive style) that are the key elements composing overall elevations on the personality scales.

To help clinicians readily put test results to work, the Interpretive Report includes a Treatment Guide that provides short-term, focused treatment options and a Capsule Summary that gives a concise overview of diagnostic and therapeutic findings indicated by test results.

Unlike some other measures of personality and psychopathology, the MCMI-III Interpretive Report provides an integrated interpretation of the scales, including a description of the patient's personality characteristics and an assessment of clinical syndromes within the context of those characteristics.

The report also proposes a list of possible DSM-IV diagnoses and a profile of base rate scores for all scales. 



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