Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition: Australian and New Zealand Standardised
WIAT-III A&NZ- Updated achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings
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Starter & complete kits, print & digital
4 options
From AUD 176.00 -
Test forms & reports
Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions
7 options
From AUD 3.19 -
Support materials
Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials
13 options
From AUD 20.79 -
Onsite, virtual & on-demand trainings
3 options
From AUD 1,155.00 -
All products
All tests and materials offered for WIAT-III A&NZ
27 options
From AUD 3.19
WIAT-III A&NZ Complete Kit
9781488694707 Qualification Level BIncludes
Examiner's Manual
Technical Manual USB Flashdrive
Scoring and Normative Supplement for School Aged Children
Stimulus Book
Oral Reading Fluency Booklet
Word Card
Pseudoword Card
Response Booklets (Pack of 25)
Record Forms (Pack of 25)
Audio USB Flashdrive -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Examiner's Manual (Digital)
9780655797371 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Examiner's Manual (print)
9781488694721 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Stimulus Book (Digital)
9780655797401 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Stimulus Book (print)
9781488694738 Qualification Level BEstimated to ship:1 week -
Q-global WIAT-III Technical Manual with Adult Norms (Digital)
0150021445 Qualification Level BRead only. Cannot be printed.
Q-global WIAT-III Dyslexia Index Scoring Manual (Digital)
0150023197 Qualification Level B(viewable online only)
WIAT-III Dyslexia Index Scoring Manual (print)
0158015258 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Scoring and Normative Supplement for School Aged Children (Digital)
9780655797388 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Record Form
9781488694790 Qualification Level BPack of 25
WIAT III A&NZ Response Booklet
9781488694806 Qualification Level BPack of 25
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Digital)
9780655797418 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (print)
9781488694745 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Word Card (Digital)
9780655797425 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Word Card (print)
9781488694752 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Pseudoword Card (Digital)
9780655797432 Qualification Level B -
WIAT-III A&NZ Pseudoword Card (print)
9781488694769 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Audio Files (Digital)
9780655798842 Qualification Level B -
Education Q-interactive License · 1 Year (Digital)
9781488694837 Qualification Level BTests included:
Please Note:
All licences require the purchase of subtests (product number QNTRSITELIC). Please add these to your cart before checkout. A minimum number of 150 subtests are required. Tiered pricing is available. -
Speech & Language Q-interactive License · 1 Year (Digital)
9781488692116 Qualification Level BTests included:
CELF-5 A&NZ, CELF Preschool-3 A&NZ, EVT-3, GFTA-3/KLPA-3, KTEA-3, PPVT-5, RBANS Update, WIAT-III A&NZ, and WRAT5
Please Note:
All licences require the purchase of subtests (product number QNTRSITELIC). Please add these to your cart before checkout. A minimum number of 150 subtests are required. Tiered pricing is available. -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Score Report Usage
9781488695025 Qualification Level B -
Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Score Report Subscription 1 Year (per user)
9781488695032 Qualification Level B -
Standard Q-interactive License · 1 Year (Digital)
A103000260031 Qualification Level CTests included:
Please Note:
All licences require the purchase of subtests (product number QNTRSITELIC). Please add these to your cart before checkout. A minimum number of 150 subtests are required. Tiered pricing is available.
WIAT-III Mastery Accreditation · Live Online · 12 Hours
A103000251823 Qualification Level BThis live-online, two-day training will dive deeper into administering, scoring, analysing results, and monitoring progress using the WIAT-III. Learn how to be confident and comprehensive in your practice and in your support of your students and colleagues using special education tools
Below are the dates available for this training. We'll be in contact to secure your preferred date.- 16 May 2025: Full-day (9am - 5pm) and 23 May 2025: Half-day (9am - 1pm)
- 14 November 2025: Full-day (9am - 5pm) and 21 November 2025: Half-day (9am - 1pm)
Minimum order of 1 items
Q-interactive Subtest Usage Fee
QNTRSITELIC Qualification Level BThis is a subtest usage fee for all Q-interactive tests, including but not limited to WISC, CELF, WIAT, WAIS, etc.
Pre-pay for subtests by estimating what you plan to use in a given period or based on your administration history. Tiered pricing is available based on the number of subtests.
Please note the administration of BSRA, CVLT, EVT, GFTA, KLPA, PPVT, and RBANS are equivalent to three subtests.
For Memory subtests in which there is a Delayed Recall condition, there is no additional charge for the delayed administration.
Some test(s) require the use of manipulative items or response booklets that must be purchased separately. Please see the required materials.
Unused subtests will only carry forward upon continued renewal of an annual license. Any break or suspension in the annual license will forfeit unused pre-paid subtests.
Additional subtests consumed beyond the initial upfront number purchased will be post-billed at that same price. Alternatively, additional pre-paid subtest usages can be purchased at any time as per the advertised price.Minimum order of 150 items
User Level B Training (Academic Achievement) · Hybrid · 12 Hours
A103000251817 Qualification Level AThis hybrid, three-unit training is designed to support and upskill primary and secondary teachers, special educators, learning support staff and other professionals working in the Education industry to help screen and assess a student’s cognitive ability, academic achievement, cognitive skills, and social-emotional learning by providing access to User Level B assessments. This training will focus on the Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT).
Below are the dates available for this training. We'll be in contact to secure your preferred date.
- 28 February 2025
- 28 March 2025
- 27 June 2025
- 5 September 2025
- 21 November 2025
Minimum order of 1 items
User Level B Training (Academic Achievement) · On Demand
A103000360921 Qualification Level AThis on-demand training has been developed to support and upskill User Level A primary and secondary teachers, special educators, learning support staff, and other education sector professionals. By providing access to User Level B assessments, the training aims to assist in screening and assessing a student’s cognitive ability, academic achievement, cognitive skills, and social-emotional learning. The training content focuses on the WIAT-4 while covering all WIAT-III sub-tests. This training is recommended for those seeking on-demand training for the WIAT-III as part of their User Level B qualification.
WIAT III A&NZ Scoring Workbook
9781488694776 Qualification Level BEstimated to ship:8 weeks
- Publication date:
- 2016
- Completion time:
- Varies by school year level and subtests administered
- Administration:
- Individual; Q-interactive® administration and scoring, Q-global® scoring and reporting, or manual scoring
- Age range:
- Individuals 4:0-50:11
- Qualification level:
- B
Interested in training for this assessment?Please reach out via link below |
Product Details
The WIAT-III A&NZ is suitable for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings, including schools, clinics and private practices. Use WIAT-III A&NZ results to:
Features & BenefitsWith a total of 16 subtests, WIAT-III A&NZ offers:
Improved usability options
Content & Administration
Psychometric InformationThe WIAT-III A&NZ was standardised on 1360 Australian and New Zealand students and features comprehensive normative information. The WIAT-III A&NZ was correlated with the following achievement and ability measures (these studies are included in the WIAT-IIII A&NZ Examiner's Manual):
The WIAT-III (U.S. standardisation) was correlated with the following ability measures (these studies are included in the U.S. Technical Manuals):
ErrataWe would like to bring to your attention a correction made to the WIAT-III A&NZ Examiner's Manual. The correction pertains to page 110 of the Examiner's Manual, Table 5.13 Mean Performance of the Australian and New Zealand Intellectual Disability Group and the Matched Control Group. This correction does not affect norms, reliability, or validity. The change relates to the Matched Control data which has been updated in the table below. No change has been made to the Intellectual Disability group data, or the commentary on page 111. This correction will be made on the next printing of the Examiner’s Manual. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you have any questions, please contact our Client Services team on 1800 882 385 (toll free) (AUS) or 0800 942 722 (toll free) (NZ), or email us at info@pearsonclinical.com.au. |
WIAT-III A&NZ Q-interactiveThe WIAT-III A&NZ assists you in identifying the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student; informing decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or diagnosis of a specific learning disability; and designing instructional objectives and planning interventions. Basic Reading Word Reading Pseudoword Decoding Maths Problem Solving Numerical Operations Maths Fluency Listening Comprehension Oral Expression Reading Comprehension & Fluency Reading Comprehension Oral Reading Fluency Early Reading Skills Alphabet Writing Fluency Spelling Essay Composition Subtest Sentence Composition Subtest |