Q-interactive request free trial
Are you ready to get started?
- Are you Pearson qualified? In order to access Q-interactive, you must have a Level B or Level C qualification through Pearson. Please review the qualification requirements.
Learn about Qualifications
Qualification information can be entered either when you are prompted during the initial website account registration process, or at any time after your website account is created, by signing in to your account and navigating in the top menu to My Account > Qualifications. Complete one or more of the sections to be assigned a qualification level. You may update your qualifications at any time in the same section.
Register / Qualifications
- Do you have access to two iPads? You use one iPad to access the test administration instructions, score and record responses, and control visual stimuli. The examinee uses the other iPad to view and respond to stimuli. With real-time scoring, you can see how a client is performing during a session and make immediate adjustments to your battery.
- What should you expect? After completing the form below, you expect to receive a welcome email within three business days. The email will include your username and password and will be sent from q-interactive@pearson.com
*This Q-interactive trial is intended to provide you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the system. There are paper materials required to administer some tests, and these are not provided as part of your trial. See below for further details on required materials.
Start Your Trial