- Bayley-4 A&NZ (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 4th Edition: Australian and New Zealand Standardised Edition)
- BBCS:E (Bracken Basic Concept Scales: Expressive)
- BBCS-3: R (Bracken Basic Concept Scale - 3rd Edition: Receptive)
- BOV-2 (The Bridge of Vocabulary 2: Evidence-based Activities for Academic Success)
- BSRA-3 (Bracken School Readiness Assessment - Third Edition)
- CC-A (Communication Checklist - Adult)
- CCC-2 (Children's Communication Checklist - Second Edition)
- CC-SR (Communication Checklist Self Report)
- CELF Preschool-3 A&NZ (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 Australian and New Zealand Standardised Edition)
- CELF Preschool-3 A&NZ Screening Test (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 Australian and New Zealand Standardised Edition Screening Test)
- CELF-5 A&NZ (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Australian and New Zealand Fifth Edition)
- CELF-5 A&NZ Screening Test (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Australian and New Zealand Fifth Edition Screening Test)
- CELF-5 Metalinguistics (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fifth Edition Metalinguistics)
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- Cogmed (Cogmed Working Memory Training)
- CTOPP-2 (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - Second Edition)
- DEAP (Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation & Phonology)
- DIAL-4 (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning, Fourth Edition)
- Dyslexia Toolkit
- KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition)
- KTEA-3 Brief (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition Brief Form)
- PIPA (Preschool and Primary Inventory of Phonological Awareness)
- PLS-5 (Preschool Language Scales, Fifth Edition - Australian and New Zealand Language Adapted Edition)
- PLS-5 Screening Test (Preschool Language Scale-5 Screening Test)
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- Pre - Feeding Skills - Second Edition
- SCAN-3:A (SCAN-3:A Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults)
- SCAN-3C: Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children
- SCQ (Social Communication Questionnaire)
- Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen
- WAB-R (Western Aphasia Battery - Revised)
- WASI-II (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence - Second Edition)
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- WMRS (Working Memory Rating Scale)
- WRAT5 (Wide Range Achievement Test, 5th Edition)
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