Preschool Language Scale-5 Screening Test

PLS-5 Screening Test
Screen preschoolers language, articulation, connected speech, social/interpersonal communication skills, fluency and voice in under 10 minutes
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PLS-5 Screening Test ANZ Language Adapted Record Forms Ages 3
9781922196033 Qualification Level B

Pack of 25


AUD 100.76


Publication date:
Completion time:
5-10 minutes
Age range:
Birth to 7 years & 11 months
Qualification level:

Product Details

The PLS-5 Screening Test provides an efficient instrument to help you identify infants, toddlers, and young children at risk for a language disorder. This tool can help you screen for a broad spectrum of skills within six speech and language areas in 5 to 10 minutes.

Watch Video: How can Speech Pathologists help teachers identify language difficulties?


  • Conduct day-care, preschool, or kindergarten screenings of emerging developmental communication skills
  • Identify children who may need to be referred for further speech or language assessment

Features & Benefits

  • Language items include the most discriminating test items from the PLS-5 Australian and New Zealand Language Adapted Edition.
  • If PLS-5 is used as the follow-up diagnostic measure, there’s no need to re-administer the test items from the screening - simply transfer the responses from the PLS-5 Screening Tests to the PLS-5 record form.
  • Stimulus pages, administration and scoring directions, and Product Details are all included in one compact manual, streamlining the administration process.
  • Record Forms are available in tear-off pads.
  • No manipulatives are needed for children ages 3 years to 7 years 11 months. For infants and toddlers, use toys and objects that are easily found within the child’s environment (squeaky toys, infant toys such as rattles, baby bottle, cup).
  • You have the option of training teachers to screen speech and language skills using this tool through the Master Trainer Program.

Areas of Assessment

  • Helps you screen emerging interaction, comprehension, and expressive skills of infants and toddlers
  • Enables you to screen six speech and language areas emerging interpersonal, communication, and feeding skills for children from birth through to 7 years 11 months. These areas are:
    • Language
    • Articulation
    • Connected Speech
    • Social/Interpersonal Communication Skills
    • Stuttering
    • Voice

Please note: This User Level B product is also available to Teachers (Level T) after training from Pearson Clinical Assessment.

Click here to request training.