Test of Everyday Attention for Children

Assess various attentional capacities in children and adolescents

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  • Test forms & reports

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    From AUD 169.07
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  • TEA-Ch Scoring Sheets
    9780749132736 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    AUD 169.07


Publication date:
Completion time:
55-60 minutes
Age range:
6 to 15 years
Qualification level:

Product Details

Now available > TEA-Ch2

Using attractive graphics and sound, the TEA-Ch measures children’s abilities to selectively attend, sustain or divide their attention between two tasks, to switch their attention from one task to another, and to withhold verbal and motor responses. The test is designed to be appealing to both children and adolescents. It contains two parallel forms to allow confident re-testing of the same child.

The Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch) builds on the TEA by measuring attentive abilities in children.

The TEA-Ch comprises 9 subtests which measure children’s abilities to:

  • selectively attend
  • switch attention from one task to another
  • withhold (inhibit) verbal and motor responses
  • sustain their attention
  • divide their attention between two tasks

Clinical and research strengths
Standardised scores allow comparison of attentional performance in each of the attentional domains. TEA-Ch is suitable for group or single case assessment of children with a wide range of abilities.