Join this webinar for an overview of the WIAT-III A&NZ on Q-interactive, the digital iPad based platform that will improve the assessment experience for you and your clients. Particular emphasis will be placed on the new components of the WIAT-III A&NZ on iPad, such as new subtests, index scores, and new reporting functions in the Q-interactive platform. Learn how Q-interactive can upgrade your assessment practice into a digital format.
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition Australian and New Zealand Standardised (WIAT-III A&NZ)
The newly published Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition (WIAT-III) A&NZ is an individually administered measure of oral language, reading, written language, and mathematics with Australian/NZ content and norms. The WIAT-III A&NZ is used in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings, including schools, clinics, and private practices.
This webinar will provide an overview of the historical means of diagnosing learning disorders as well as current DSM-5 criteria. Processes such as the Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses analysis will be discussed and tied to WISC-V and WIAT-III reporting options.
Recorded Webinars
Please find our pre recorded webinars to catch up on valuable information