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Behaviour Assessment System for Children, Third Edition

A targeted individual assessment of behaviour and emotions for children and adolescents
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BASC-3: Identifying and Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs · On Demand · 3 Hours
A103000314684 Qualification Level B

This on-demand training examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports.


AUD 346.50

Training details


This session is targeted to individuals who are familiar with the BASC-3 rating scales and want to expand their use and understanding of the measure. It is suitable for Psychologists, Social Workers, Education Professionals working in Mental Health and Wellbeing, Special Education teachers. 

Course Description

This 3-hour session provides an overview of the core assessment components of the BASC–3 model: the Teacher Rating Scales (TRS), Parent Rating Scales (PRS), and Self-Report of Personality (SRP). The composites and scales (Clinical, Adaptive, and Content) and the probability indexes that comprise these rating forms will be explained, and a discussion about how reporting and interpretation can be used to guide supports and interventions will also be included.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Apply the BASC–3 model including employing the TRS, PRS and SRP in the process of identifying social, emotional, and behavioral challenges
  • Discuss the composites and scales (Clinical, Adaptive, and Content) and the probability indexes that comprise these rating forms
  • Demonstrate how results and reports can be interpreted and used diagnostically
  • Formulate how student results can be used in the selection and application of BASC–3 interventions and supports.


All participants are required to register on Pearson Clinical to receive a User Level B (used to determine eligibility to purchase this webinar).